Jim Morrison
11 produits trouvés
« La vraie poésie ne veut rien dire, elle ne fait que révéler les possibles. Elle ouvre toutes les portes. À vous de franchir celle qui vous convient.
C'est la raison pour laquelle je suis tellement attiré par la poésie, elle est si éternelle. Tant qu'il y aura des hommes, ils pourront se souvenir des mots et de leurs combinaisons. Seules la poésie et les chansons peuvent survivre à un holocauste. Personne ne peut mémoriser un roman entier, un film, une sculpture ou une peinture. Mais, tant qu'il y aura des êtres humains, les chansons et la poésie pourront perdurer.
Si ma poésie a un but, c'est de libérer les gens de leurs oeillères, de démultiplier leurs sens. »
Ce recueil rassemble les écrits poétiques du chanteur des Doors, qu'il notait sur le vif dans des carnets découverts à Paris après sa mort. -
"En chantant du rock, Morrison voulait délivrer les gens d'eux-mêmes. Faire reculer les frontières. On ne répétera jamais assez combien chez lui les images, les sons et les mots avaient partie liée. [...] Il était venu chercher le calme à Paris où il arriva en mars 1971. Il y écrira quelques poèmes, recueillis dans La Nuit américaine, et y mourra mystérieusement le 3 juillet 1971." Michel Bulteau Jim Morrison n'était pas uniquement le chanteur du groupe légendaire des Doors. Grand lecteur de romans et de poésie, il tournait aussi des films expérimentaux. Ce volume rend compte des différentes facettes de sa personnalité, des réflexions et expérimentations qui ont jalonné son oeuvre. Il contient à la fois des scénarios de cinéma et le Journal parisien, lui-même constitué de notes, de poèmes, de maximes.
Anthologie Jim Morrison : poèmes, carnets, retranscriptions et paroles
Jim Morrison
- Massot Editions
- 7 Octobre 2021
- 9782380353280
Créée en collaboration avec les héritiers de Jim Morrison et inspirée par son « Projet pour le Livre » découvert après sa mort, l'Anthologie Jim Morrison rassemble de nombreux inédits - poèmes, photos, visuels, dessins, paroles... Elle est l'oeuvre la plus complète du leader des Doors. 160 photos accompagnent, entre autres, les textes extraits de 28 carnets intimes - tous écrits de sa main et publiés ici pour la première fois.
Compiled from the literary estate of the singer who brought a wildly lyrical poetry of the damned to the world of rock 'n' roll. Includes unpublished poems, drawings, photos, and a candid self-interview.
Grand format 23.00 €
The collected works of Jim Morrison : poetry, journals, transcripts, and lyrics
Jim Morrison
- Harper Collins Uk
- 1 Juin 2021
- 9780063028975
Created in collaboration with the estate of Jim Morrison and inspired by a posthumously discovered list written by Morrison entitled "Plan for Book," The Collected Works of Jim Morrison is a landmark publication featuring both published and unpublished poems, prose, and lyrics and more than 200 personal color and black-and-white photographs, drawings, journal excerpts, notes and lyrics in his own hand; plus a bound-in 16-page facsimile pamphlet of one of Morrison''s self-published poems and a transcript of a poetry reading recorded on what would be his final birthday. "Morrison wrote that ''we had a great visitation of energy,'' proclaimed that ''the ancient ones'' time has come again,'' urged readers to ''enter again the sweet forest/enter the hot dream.'' While he deliberately drove down toad-squirmy backroads of primal terror, ecstasy was often naked in the shotgun seat, spinning jeweled pinwheels, peeling a peach."--Tom Robbins, from his foreword, "Fireflies of the Apocalypse" Jim Morrison was thrust into what he considered accidental stardom in the 1960s as the lead vocalist of The Doors. Fifty years after his passing his legend endures, inspiring legions of fans and musicians. But this electrifying performer who lit the world on fire considered himself foremost a writer, a talent brilliantly demonstrated in his vast output of poetry and song lyrics. The Collected Works of Jim Morrison is the book Jim Morrison wanted to publish. This definitive opus of his creative output--designed by the renowned firm Pentagram--includes verse and prose poems; never-before-seen personal journal entries written in Morrison''s own hand, drawings, unpublished work, revisions of previously published poetry, transcripts, published and unpublished song lyrics, and more. Accompanying them is the transcript of The Village Recorder tapes--the selection of poems Morrison recorded on his birthday on December 8, 1970. This remarkable collector''s item includes: Foreword by Tom Robbins Introduction by Anne Morrison Chewning Published Poems and Writings: Pony Express; Horse Latitudes; Eyes; The Anatomy of Rock; The Celebration of the Lizard; Dry Water Self-Published Poems and Writings: The New Creatures; The Lords: Notes on Vision; An American Prayer; Ode to LA While Thinking of Brian Jones, Deceased Selections from Notebooks, Journals, and Loose Pages: The American Night; Tape Noon; Miami Trial Notebooks; the Paris Journal; Notebook and Journal Poems; Loose Page Poems Poetry Recording Transcripts: The Elektra Tapes; The Village Recorder Tapes Film Treatment: The Hitchhiker Published and Unpublished Song Lyrics Epilogue: As I Look Back An array of images from the Morrison archive--family photographs; candid pictures in the recording studio, on the road, both on stage and off; sketches and drawings; stills from Morrison''s never-released film HWY. Handwritten materials--excerpts from the numerous journals Morrison kept, including the notebook he wrote in while on trial in Miami and from his final days in Paris, as well as various excerpts, single pages, loose notes, and lyrics.