Smile 58
Patrick Weber, Baudouin Deville, Bérengère Marquebreucq
- Anspach
- 19 Septembre 2018
- 9782960210446
En 1958, Kathleen Van Overstraeten, une jeune hôtesse belge, se trouve mêlée à des événements qui menacent le bon déroulement de l'Exposition Universelle de Bruxelles : vol au pavillon du Vatican, sabotage au pavillon de l'URSS... Dépassée par ces péripéties, elle est au coeur d'une lutte entre espions, en pleine guerre froide, pour faire échouer des négociations pour la paix. VERSION ANGLAISE !
Alix Tome 28 : de verdwenen stad
Jacques Martin, Patrick Weber, Ferry
- Casterman
- 5 Janvier 2012
- 9789030362661
Guide du forum de Philippes
Michel Sève, Patrick Weber
- Ecole Francaise D'Athenes
- Sites Et Monuments
- 14 Novembre 2014
- 9782869582668
The city of Philippi, in eastern Macedonia, is known to us largely through Saint Paul. At the time of Paul's visit it was a Roman colony, founded in 42 BC on a site which had been inhabited since 360 BC and would remain so until the 7th century AD. The forum at Philippi played a crucial role. It was not only a public meeting point, but also very much a place where the colony's political community could gather, parade and hold forth. The major religious ceremonies and political and judicial proceedings took place amidst the statues in honour of eminent figures erected on inscribed plinths. A site for archaeological digs since 1914, the forum is in ruins to such an extent that it is difficult to understand how it was organized. This guide presents the results of a study ongoing since 1977, and should throw light on the heart of the Roman city of Philippi.
? p??? t?? F???pp??, st?? ??at????? ?a?ed???a, e??a? ???st? ?????? ???? st?? ?p?st??? ?a???. ?ta? p??ase ap? e?e? ? ?p?st????, ? p??? ?ta? µ?a ??µa??? ap????a, p?? ?d?????e t? 42 p.?. se ??a? t?p? p?? ?at??????ta? ap? t? 360 p.?. ?a? ? ?p???? de? ?a e??ata?e?p?ta? pa?? µ??? ?at? t? d????e?a t?? 7?? a?. µ.?. ?? forum ?pa??e s?µa?t??? ????: ?ta? µ?a d?µ?s?a p?ate?a, a??? ?????? ?ta? ? ????? ??f?as?? ?a? a?t?p??s?pe?s?? t?? s?µat?? t?? p???t?? t?? ap????a?, ?p?? p?a?µat?p?????ta? ?? ????e? ?at?e?e?, d?e?a??ta? ? p???t??? ?a? d??ast??? d?ast????t?ta, a?e?e????ta? a???µata ?a? st????ta? ep???af?? p??? t?µ?? t?? p?? e?e???s?? p??s?p???t?t??. ?? forum, p?? a?as??pteta? ap? t? 1914, e??a? se t?t??? ßa?µ? ?atest?aµµ???, p?? e??a? d?s???? ?a ?ata???se? t?? ??????s? t?? ? ep?s??pt??. ? a?? ?e??a? ?d???? e???te? ta ap?te??sµata t?? µe??t?? p?? d?e???eta? ap? t? 1977 ?a? f???d??e? ?a ß????se? st?? ?a??te?? ?ata???s? t?? ???t??? t?? ??µa???? p???? t?? F???pp??.