Night vision a field guide to your dreams
Theresa Cheung
- Laurence King
- 12 Octobre 2020
- 9781786277237
Ancien système de signes utilisé pour les langues germaniques, mais aussi scandinaves et anglo-saxonnes, l'alphabet runique est également utilisé pour des pratiques divinatoires. A chaque caractère correspond une signification, de la même manière que dans le tirage de tarot divinatoire. Ce jeu de cartes illustré de manière contemporaine et très colorée remet les runes au goût du jour et propose les différentes cartes avec les caractères, leurs significations, ainsi qu'un livret d'explications, le tout dans une jolie boîte.
Angels for the modern mystic : 44 cards with healing powers
Theresa Cheung, Natalie Foss
- Laurence King
- 16 Juin 2022
- 9780857828941
ANGEL CARDS AS YOU'VE NEVER SEEN THEM BEFORE: a diverse deck, reimagined for a modern audience LET THE LIGHT IN: there is goodness, beauty and truth within us all - allow your pure energies to flow SEND AN ANGEL TO WATCH OVER A FRIEND: healing energies to share STURDY GIFT BOX: perfect for gifting.
Angels represent the pure energies and potential for goodness, beauty, and truth within us all. Bestselling author Theresa Cheung reimagines angels for a modern audience, enabling us to access their wisdom afresh. Summon the energy of the Angel of Tears when dealing with sadness, the Angel of Communication when seeking connection, or the Angel of Creativity to inspire a new project. Simply pick a card for daily guidance, create card spreads to share with others, or send an angel to watch over a friend. Let the light in, allow your energies to flow, and the angels will help you access what truly matters. -
Did you know every day of the year carries with it powerful energies that you can harness to transform your life? Use this one-of-a-kind card deck to interpret the power in each and every day, and to attract the very best into your life.
Drawing on the insight of astrology, the power of numerology, the impact of moon phases and much more, this deck of 46 cards is packed with wisdom and guidance from best selling author Theresa Cheung. Use the cards as your cosmic compass, a tool for self-reflection and an exploration of the thoughts and feelings within. Be guided and inspired to make sure every single day counts.
With cards for each day of the week, month of the year, astrological season, moon phase as well as cards that draw on the vibrational powers of numerology, create unique readings as simple or as complex as you desire, by combining different cards each day. Reflect on the powerful illustrations, and follow the guidance within to discover the best of yourself.
Look for insights into special days, plan the month ahead, discover inspiration for times you're feeling stuck and let this deck help you make every single day of the year feel incredibly special.
A COSMIC COMPASS to guide you, drawing on the theories of astrology, numerology, psychology and color theory
CREATE DAILY READINGS by choosing two to five cards to form a unique reading for the moment you need it most
STUNNING ILLUSTRATIONS that will help you to reflect on the energies of each card, keeping them in sight for visual prompts throughout the day
46 CARDS packed with wisdom and guidance from bestselling author Theresa Cheung.